All I've ever wanted is to make a difference in someone's life.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Vegas Day One

We got up at the crack of dawn yesterday morning, got ready, packed and dropped baby Smokkee off at the doggy hotel, then made the 4 hour trek out to Vegas. We got to our room around 1:30 so Smokkee had to rush off and get registered for the tourney. I spent the next few hours "luxuriating" in the room - you know, girly stuff like doing my hair, makeup, hanging out having some "me" time.

I headed over to the Venetian around 4pm and the bloggers happen to be on their first break from the tourney. I saw Kat first, then CK and Peaker! I was so excited to see everyone! However, it was during break and conversations were short - something like "Love Elf! Great to see you! Gotta pee - we'll talk more later!" I headed over to the poker room to look for Smokkee and also saw Don, Blinders, Aston, Bayne, BadBlood and several others. Break was soon over and everyone returned to their respective tables. I headed to the bar to find my very good friend Al.

He was sitting with Joanne and another friend, Mike. We proceeded to order drinks and talked for hours. As other bloggers busted out and made their way to the "losers lounge" as some called it, I captured the moment in photos:

Al and me:

Bobby, me and Al:

The famous Dr. Pauly and me:

Smokkee, Joe Speaker and Al:

BuddyDank and me:

More to come later. I'll link everyone up later, too. Just wanted to get a brief update out!
Oh - and I'm disapointed to report that one of my very favorite bloggers, Waffles, is not in attendence this December. Miss you Waffs!!


SirFWALGMan said...

Miss you too. *wahh*

Joanada said...

Was so great having time to chat and hang out with you! Can't wait for the next one already!

AlCantHang said...

Idiot me, I seem to have lost your email address. Stupid booze.

Drop me a line at