It's gonna be a tough one.
Professionalization Group II (basically a discussion group)
Psychopathology II (A continuation of Psychopathology I, this course covers the description, etiology, assessment, emphasizing understanding of more severe psychological disorders. Schizophrenic spectrum disorders, mood disorders, and personality disorders are included. Adult Psychopathology II studies a subset of the major psychological/psychiatric disorders of adulthood as delineated in the DSM-IV TR. The course is focused on both descriptive or phenomenological diagnosis, as well as on the developmental and dynamic elements that contribute to psychopathological conditions. Focus will be given primarily, but not exclusively, to more moderate to severe pathological syndromes. Important consideration will also be given to such topics as understanding the empirical basis of the prevailing nosological system, issues of comorbidity, differential diagnosis, course of illness, treatment considerations and psychodynamic diagnosis. The integration of descriptive and dynamic models of diagnosis will be emphasized.)
Projective Personality Assessment(in this class I will get training on how to administer the Rorschach inkblot test - any volunteers?)
Cognitive Behavioral Theory/Therapy(Major cognitive-behavioral therapies, as well as their theoretical foundations, are reviewed in this course. There is an emphasis on developing skills in cognitive behavioral analysis and treatment, with special attention to the treatment of selected disorders and personality styles.)